Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Deadline Extension
Due to the lack of senior photo submissions we are extending the deadline to Dec. 1st.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Submit senior photos or photos for the yearbook.
Senior Photos are due Nov. 15th. They can be given to Mr. Roberts at the Jr High in Room 210 or to a yearbook staff member (Emily, Claire, Hillary, or Alex). They can be submitted digitally on a CD, scan disk, or as a photo (wallet size will work).
If there are photos that students, parents, staff, family or friends have that they think might be worthy for the yearbook they can be submitted on-line at www.hjeshare.com/ To upload photos here is the School Code 2021148. We can’t guarantee that your photos will be used in the yearbook.
If there are photos that students, parents, staff, family or friends have that they think might be worthy for the yearbook they can be submitted on-line at www.hjeshare.com/ To upload photos here is the School Code 2021148. We can’t guarantee that your photos will be used in the yearbook.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Hey Seventh Period Hey!
This is Hillary, Emily and Claire sockin it to ya!
So have we officially decided on a theme? Or what is the deal... do we need to think of more ideas or are we still debating the retro and anatomy thing?
Any hoo.... in Claire's box we added to our list of titles for the retro themes. We saw your guys ideas and we thought they were great. We decided that we would like to focus on the time period of the 70s, 80s and maybe early 90s...... so yeah the bell rang... peace homies!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
hey everyone!
so we agreed with the whole movie theme being a bit chaotic..... and we thought of another idea along with your retro idea. (well its actually one of the themes we almost chose last year....) but its called the Anatomy of a Viking. You can check out all of our ideas by looking at the paper in Quinci's box.
Hope you enjoy!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Mr. Roberts wanted to remind everyone in the class that the newbs (specifically Ian because he is in our class) are slaves to the yearbook vets. Feel free to take advantage of this and make them do things that they don't want to do.
Cool right?!
hey girl hey! so i really don't have much to blog about but Roberto is making me post something...
I was thinking that my favorite theme idea is the Movie theme because it seems like we could think of lots of ideas for that theme, including movie stars, movie premieres, red carpet, movie genres, Hollywood, and all that jazz. Cool right?!
Feel free to write a comment about my post, I would certainly love feedback :)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Yearbook 2010
The yearbooks are here and any staff member can pick theirs up asap. We will start distributing them on the first day of school using the check-off list that I have.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Status of Yearbook
We are just about ready to send pages 94-123, with the exception of track. We are waiting on the State Track Meet results. Next week will grind out the Graduation and Senior Party spreads and the ad pages. Revising and editing speeds up and this is where errors can be made. We are pulling in good money in sales lately and have just passed what we need for our 90% payment.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Final Haul
Please print track layouts so people can edit them. Finish the Photoshop & bloopers. Quindees blooper needs replacing (inappropriate). Keiko isn't really photoshopped. Jerry Gaiser is right next to Jerry Gaiser blooper and photoshop. Dump one of them. There are better bloopers take a good look through the 22,000 pictures you have taken on the Epic. The photoshopped ones need to look real.
Notes are on the board for fixing Closing layouts. I talked to Kodie and he should have a handle on it.
Notes are on the board for fixing Closing layouts. I talked to Kodie and he should have a handle on it.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
End of Year Deadlines
We have fallen behind or deadline for winter sports. However we can catch up and have to by 5/18. The pages up page 128 are due then. The exceptions are the Track, Tennis, Senior Party and Graduation spreads. This means your layout has to be clean and ready to go by next Tues. 5/12. We will have an editing meeting starting at 6:00 pm. on Wed 5/13.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lots to Cover.
First a hello, hello.(insert wave) As school is coming to an end (YES!!), so is our productivity levels. I know I sure have been slacking. But Yearbook is not a class worth slacking in. It is both fun, and it's pretty awesome that what we are making is going to last for at least a couple hundred years! So we best make this yearbook down-right-fantastic.
First thing first, obviously, why would the first thing come second? We need to edit what we have finished. Do the names a second time or third time just to make sure. Use the "dot next to the name" method to assure it has been looked over. Make sure all the pictures haven't been used, including layouts already sent in, SEE the "dummy book".
Second, PROM is coming up. The best bet we have at getting good photos is to have different people take pictures. It is just too annoying and really unfair to have just 2 or 3 people take pictures. By everyone taking pictures for about 10 minuets or so, it will give us different types of pictures and of different people/groups. Because most of us have different angles, views, and ways we take pictures this will provide us with many options when we have to choose for the layout.
Third, this blog is a good way to communicate for things about Yearbook or just cool things you find about Photos/Technology in general. So USE it more often.
Fourth, my own little news, Student Council is having elections for next year soon. Some of you should run for office. It is fun, not that hard, you usually do interesting things, and it looks good on your College Apps. If you don't want to run, convince someone you think will be good to run!! "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi Or at least the change you want to see in BIGFORK HIGH SCHOOL, there are a few, and soon to be Principal Jensen is willing to negotiate, and compromise on what is allowable.
Fifth, isn't it odd (haha seriously I didn't even try to make that pun here) that four paragraphs, though an even number doesn't look as good as five. So there for (haha) in the fifth section I will talk about how awesome many of the jokes were in this post. If you haven't laughed than you have a dark soul, like someone we ALL know, except maybe AnnMarie. :) Also, sorry to AnnMarie for all the grammar issues I have in this post. I have tried by best, but sometimes, I like to throw in, or leave out, commas.
Your Student Body President
First thing first, obviously, why would the first thing come second? We need to edit what we have finished. Do the names a second time or third time just to make sure. Use the "dot next to the name" method to assure it has been looked over. Make sure all the pictures haven't been used, including layouts already sent in, SEE the "dummy book".
Second, PROM is coming up. The best bet we have at getting good photos is to have different people take pictures. It is just too annoying and really unfair to have just 2 or 3 people take pictures. By everyone taking pictures for about 10 minuets or so, it will give us different types of pictures and of different people/groups. Because most of us have different angles, views, and ways we take pictures this will provide us with many options when we have to choose for the layout.
Third, this blog is a good way to communicate for things about Yearbook or just cool things you find about Photos/Technology in general. So USE it more often.
Fourth, my own little news, Student Council is having elections for next year soon. Some of you should run for office. It is fun, not that hard, you usually do interesting things, and it looks good on your College Apps. If you don't want to run, convince someone you think will be good to run!! "Be the change you wish to see in the world." -Gandhi Or at least the change you want to see in BIGFORK HIGH SCHOOL, there are a few, and soon to be Principal Jensen is willing to negotiate, and compromise on what is allowable.
Fifth, isn't it odd (haha seriously I didn't even try to make that pun here) that four paragraphs, though an even number doesn't look as good as five. So there for (haha) in the fifth section I will talk about how awesome many of the jokes were in this post. If you haven't laughed than you have a dark soul, like someone we ALL know, except maybe AnnMarie. :) Also, sorry to AnnMarie for all the grammar issues I have in this post. I have tried by best, but sometimes, I like to throw in, or leave out, commas.
Your Student Body President
Monday, April 13, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Three Rivers, Cali
What up Bigfork. Well WCKA just left beautiful Three Rivers, California just out of Sequoia National Park. We had been there for about one week and now we're heading up north to Nevada City, CA. In Three Rivers we paddled the Kaweah River almost everyday. We also went to the park to look at the huge Sequoias and went to the Tule River about an hour south of camp. I heard the weather has been a little crappy up there and I hate to inform you that I have been chalaxing in 70+ degree weather all week. Classes have been great even though I do miss walking the hall with all you fools.
Today is our first day in Nevada City and we are about to go paddle a section of the American River. I hope you guys dance the night away at prom. Someone should also hit me back about how the Tennis team is looking. Mr. Roberts I got a video and a few kayaking pics that I will post soon.
Today is our first day in Nevada City and we are about to go paddle a section of the American River. I hope you guys dance the night away at prom. Someone should also hit me back about how the Tennis team is looking. Mr. Roberts I got a video and a few kayaking pics that I will post soon.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
WE NEED PHOTOSHOP STUFF FOR THE YEARBOOK! please experiment with the program and try to make some good and funny things. if you dont know what to do look at past yearbooks or online. we need amazing stuff so we dont regret our decision to have a spread for them! THANK YOU--keep me updated on your creations! ALSO LOOK FOR BLOOPERS!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Extreme Googling
Check this site out on better Googling techniques. Extreme Googling I also put the tips below and a link in the side rail.
- I'm feeling lucky" means just take me to the top search result - it will go right to the website.
- Word order counts in composing a search...most important words should be first. Don't bother putting in little words.
- Maximum number of words in a search is 10. Plurals matter.
- You can type two dots to look for a range like miami 1985..2000.
- If your result is a picture or a movie, it will show right in the result.
- For some organizations, they give you a table of contents in the results. This is relatively new.
- For some big sites, you even get a search box within (like the ny times).
- The greatest google trick of all: every website such as Amazon, YouTube, etc. all have their own search boxes, but the google search box is better than theirs. For example, google is a better searcher of ebay than ebay is itself. You are better off putting the name of the site and the item that you are looking for and then click "I'm feeling lucky" it will take you right to the site. (e.g. amazon eat love pray)--click feeling lucky. You will go directly to the book on their website without any intermediate steps.
- Asterisk is the wildcard - great for song lyrics that you can't understand (excuse me while I kiss the *)
- The ''ooos" in Google at the bottom of the page over the page numbers are also pages to click on.
- Doing a search for "showtimes and your zipcode" will give you a table of every movie playing in your areas with reviews by peopole.
- You can type define: and a word and it will show you dictionary definition.
- You can also type math calculations into the google search box; it is also a calculator.
- Also a converter: inches in a mile.
- Also currency converter = type in dollars in a euro. Weather plus city takes you to weather right there.
- You can type in a barcode number and then look it up!
- Can also type in a flight like 'united 22' and will give you the status of the flight.
- Can type in a VIN number and find out the history of the car.
- In preferences you can turn off porn filtering.
- In google language translator you can type in the whole website address and it will translate the whole page.
- iGoogle was created in someone's 20% time.
- phonebook:name place - get someones phone number.
- google maps for directions shows you traffic too and you can drag the route to another road; instantly recalculates directions. shows construction and accidents. Click on cameras next to directions to see street view. you can pan around too.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Next stop: Cali
Yo what up. Back for a very short spring break and then off for the west coast. I have to do lame swift water rescue course in Missoula before I leave, but then I'm going going back back to Cali Cali. Well if was good to see you fools and I'll be back at the end of May for graduation. Later and keep it real boyzzeee.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Winter Layout Deadline Mar. 30
Pages 32-91, 100-104 are due on March 30th. This means that they should be as clean as possible. Name spellings, no duplicate pictures with other spreads, grammar, homophones, contrasting backgrounds, non-generic articles, quotes in the article, and interesting captions are all issues of concern. Edit, peer-edit and revise multiple times. The less editing we have to do the better. The first deadline contained too many errors because people turned them in without scrutiny and attention to detail.
Finally, this is a look book and many times people fail to get on the Epic24 to find the best pictures. All the pictures are on that computer. At present there are over 14000. You may not be aware that there are pictures that are better than the ones you have chosen for your layout. Also consider cropping a picture to get a different look (closeup, rule of thirds, facial expressions). If you just look at the overall view of a digital image you are not seeing all the detail. Zoom in. A good example is the infamous facial expression of Matt McGady in soccer that we all cringed at. Come in before school, at lunch, after school or when a teacher will allow, to take a look. The first three periods of the day the Epic is available.
Finally, this is a look book and many times people fail to get on the Epic24 to find the best pictures. All the pictures are on that computer. At present there are over 14000. You may not be aware that there are pictures that are better than the ones you have chosen for your layout. Also consider cropping a picture to get a different look (closeup, rule of thirds, facial expressions). If you just look at the overall view of a digital image you are not seeing all the detail. Zoom in. A good example is the infamous facial expression of Matt McGady in soccer that we all cringed at. Come in before school, at lunch, after school or when a teacher will allow, to take a look. The first three periods of the day the Epic is available.
Friday, March 13, 2009
"While the rest of the world builds bridges, we just plot inequalities."
So I was reading some news and I camp across this:
Laptops of the World
It is pretty long and I didn't read all of it, but just skimming through, it was pretty interesting.
The title is from the article, where the writer compares a foreign high school (building bridges on software) and a US school (doing basic math).
I also removed the poll, I was tired of looking at something we know we are going to do.
Laptops of the World
It is pretty long and I didn't read all of it, but just skimming through, it was pretty interesting.
The title is from the article, where the writer compares a foreign high school (building bridges on software) and a US school (doing basic math).
I also removed the poll, I was tired of looking at something we know we are going to do.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Libby Semi-Final Girls
After losing twice to the Lady Loggers in the regular season the Vals won when it counted the most. They advance to the finals with a convincing 23 point thrashing of the number two seed.
Worth a Thousand Words
After looking at Kodie's Google Earth post, I found the 10 best magazine covers of 2008. These are pictures, cartoons and even doodles that capture the audience. Using few to no words, it still makes sense and is interesting. So check up on these memorable covers and try to use some of the same techniques.
Top Ten Magazine Covers of 2008
Top Ten Magazine Covers of 2008
The meeting has been moved. Instead of today at 7:00 pm it will now be March 10 at 7:00 pm. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Google Earth Cool Finds
Mr. Roberts has kindly downloaded Google Earth on all the computers for us. But how many times have you used it? While having so much fun in Computer Business Apps, I decided to surf the web. I found this cool slide show about cool Google Earth finds.
Top 10 Google Earth Finds
Check it out. There are even links where you can view the places in our Google Earth!
Top 10 Google Earth Finds
Check it out. There are even links where you can view the places in our Google Earth!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Learn Something New
Friday, February 27, 2009
It doesn't bite
Many of us are afraid of the camera. This is a problem that I have had to face a lot through the years. Sometimes it's scary to change the settings or even to take a lot of 'stupid' or 'boring' pictures. And while it's important to change your angles, and think of the rule of thirds, if you're too nervous to click the button you won't have any pictures- period. So remember, this isn't a film camera- any mistakes can be easily deleted and you might catch a great photo. Oh and don't forget the layout that you're taking photos of- the sports layouts need mostly horizontal.
What makes it memorable?
When looking at pictures, whether in the news, on TV, or in a yearbook, they are meant to remind of a memory. Pictures can spark any emotion, remind you of any tragedy or happiness. When we decide on pictures for our yearbook, the pictures should show us plain and simple a memory of our high school.
Top 10 World's Famous Pictures
Look at this link and think why they make such an impact on you. Post why in the comment sections.
Top 10 World's Famous Pictures
Look at this link and think why they make such an impact on you. Post why in the comment sections.
The yearbook staff has struggled with developing unique and personal articles relating to events that have taken place this year. PLEASE WORK ON THAT. Asking people involved in the sport/event their opinions will definitely fill up empty space. If you know you will have a certain sport/event layout, be involved in it. Writing can be pretty difficult when you aren't there to make observations. Avoid statements like:
" It was really fun, and we look forward to the next year."
" That was a great way to end our high school experience."
" We had an extremely successful season!"
" To end the season..."
" The future looks bright."
" It was really fun, and we look forward to the next year."
" That was a great way to end our high school experience."
" We had an extremely successful season!"
" To end the season..."
" The future looks bright."
During the sports seasons we have gotten some excellent photos, but we also have a ton of unusable boring ones. This is all based on timing. Taking sports pictures is all about timing and learning better timing comes from knowing the sport you are photographing. For example, I took volleyball pictures earlier this year and they were all horrible because I never knew when something cool was going to happen. Now that I am taking basketball pictures, though, they are looking much better because I used to play basketball and can tell when there is something photo-worthy going on. These include fastbreaks, full court defenses, physical layups and rebounds, etc. We must capture the best pictures possible if we want our yearbook to be a success so I would ask everyone to do a little studying before taking pictures.
Getting Creative
I think our yearbook staff this year is struggling with taking unique pictures that are fun and artistic. Even though we are in a yearbook class, we still need that photography skill involved in order to make a interesting photos that students will look forward to. So lets get started by finding new angles that would make a picture "pop" and be noticed, looking for different objects to take pictures of, or by using the rule of thirds. Be creative.
After all, it's a "look book."
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Yearbook Meeting March 3 7pm
Unless there is some conflict I haven't discovered yet, we will have a yearbook meeting next Tuesday. I don't know about pizza yet. I am trying to be conservative on money until I find out where we are with ad sales. We will look at the club layout possibilities as well as edit layouts like underclassmen, faculty, and sports. Also we will have time to sort through pictures you might not know exist for your layout.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Cover/UV Costs
Here are some costs that we will have to cover to get all the seniors up to page 31 in UV coating. With this in mind next week we will take a good look at our money status and follow up ad calls. A follow-up senior letter will be sent to remind parents of an April 1st deadline for senior ads.
To do our 2nd sig in U.V. coating it would be a $50.00 set up fee per flat + .60 per copy. Since there are 2 flats per sig it would be $100.00 per sig + .60 per copy. Totaling- $220.00 to do our 2nd sig with U.V.coating.
Cover To do the U.V. Gloss Laminate on the text, utensils/artwork it would be a $50.00 set-up fee and .61 per copy. Totaling- $172.00. ($122 + $50)
To do our 2nd sig in U.V. coating it would be a $50.00 set up fee per flat + .60 per copy. Since there are 2 flats per sig it would be $100.00 per sig + .60 per copy. Totaling- $220.00 to do our 2nd sig with U.V.coating.
Cover To do the U.V. Gloss Laminate on the text, utensils/artwork it would be a $50.00 set-up fee and .61 per copy. Totaling- $172.00. ($122 + $50)
Monday, February 16, 2009
BHS 09 Trailer
Here is the first version of the video which may be used as the menu background for the BHS 09 Senior Video.
ReDoing the Bloopers Vote
Since the Bloopers poll has been contaminated, we have more votes than members etc., we need to revote. Please vote only once, and don't change anybody else's vote. Thanks.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
China Dave
I talked to Dave the other day. He said he's liking China, and he told me to check out their blog. The video on there I'm pretty sure shows Dave in the lime green kayak. It's pretty sweet. Check it out below.
World Class Kayak Academy Blog
Everyone could comment too, because they check it pretty often.
And Mr. Roberts, Dave wanted me to tell you-- whats up.
-SBP Kodie Kunsman
World Class Kayak Academy Blog
Everyone could comment too, because they check it pretty often.
And Mr. Roberts, Dave wanted me to tell you-- whats up.
-SBP Kodie Kunsman
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Camera Settings
Most of you have no idea what camera or lens to use or what settings to put the camera on for different environments. The auto setting is always nice when in doubt, which most of you are. We need to change that. Where am I at or where am I going? This is an important question when you take a camera and lens out of the bag.
There are two cameras with choices of four lenses. We have a Nikon D70 and D80. For most of your photo opportunities there is no difference. The exception is if you are taking a picture that will end up as the background of a layout. You must use the D80 as it is a 10 megapixel camera and it will produce a digital image good enough to cover a complete yearbook spread. The D70 (6.6 mp) won’t do.
We have two telephoto lenses: A Nikon 70-200 mm F2.8 and a Sigma 55-200mm F4-5.6. These are our sports lenses. The Nikon is the best in low light at trying to capture action. The Nikon lense can also be used quite well around the school to capture candids because you can be far away. In good light outside either one will do. The sigma is working well at the moment in the gym. However, it is set manually:

Manual Gym Settings
If you have no clue how to change these settings you should make it a point to learn.
Here are some basic manual settings for ISO.
Sunny 100
Overcast 400
Indoors 800
For shots around the school take the Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 on auto for now. For wild looking shots you can try the wide angle Tokina 12-24 F4. However it is really for landscape type shots. For now I am going to stop with this post to be updated later. There are a lot of variables. You need to start experimenting.
There are two cameras with choices of four lenses. We have a Nikon D70 and D80. For most of your photo opportunities there is no difference. The exception is if you are taking a picture that will end up as the background of a layout. You must use the D80 as it is a 10 megapixel camera and it will produce a digital image good enough to cover a complete yearbook spread. The D70 (6.6 mp) won’t do.
We have two telephoto lenses: A Nikon 70-200 mm F2.8 and a Sigma 55-200mm F4-5.6. These are our sports lenses. The Nikon is the best in low light at trying to capture action. The Nikon lense can also be used quite well around the school to capture candids because you can be far away. In good light outside either one will do. The sigma is working well at the moment in the gym. However, it is set manually:

Manual Gym Settings
If you have no clue how to change these settings you should make it a point to learn.
Here are some basic manual settings for ISO.
Sunny 100
Overcast 400
Indoors 800
For shots around the school take the Sigma 18-50mm F3.5-5.6 on auto for now. For wild looking shots you can try the wide angle Tokina 12-24 F4. However it is really for landscape type shots. For now I am going to stop with this post to be updated later. There are a lot of variables. You need to start experimenting.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Poll Gadget
A-Neu and Student Body President Kodie Kunsman have created a new poll debating the importance of Bloopers in our yearbook. Check the top right corner of this blog to cast your vote.
Thank you and we appreciate you greatly.
- A-Neu and Student Body President Kodie Kunsman
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Recipe for Success

Now What! We have issues.
We need to determine the content of last two spreads of the club layouts. We need four clubs. I had Caitlann, Katlyn, Catlin, aaaaaand Caytlin come up with some possible clubs for the spreads. We'll talk, but you may make suggestions on this blog in a comment if you wish.
We need more candids. Underclass layouts still have time to be visually cooler. Remember this is a look book. Rule of thirds, framing, camera angles, and other composition elements should be considered. Ask yourself, "Is my layout better than the lame ideas of Mr. Roberts." Say to yourself, "I want a picture soooo goooood that it will slam him up against the wall."
Please feel free to make a comment to this post or any other issue that you feel pressing. Well, not any issue. Please, it must concern the yearbook.
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